The following reading lists are a collaborative project involving students and staff at the University of Westminster and beyond. We understand decolonising as an on-going process that involves unravelling our assumptions about curricula, critically examining its content and forms, and imagining new ways of learning together. The project aims to provide students and staff with resources to begin thinking about and engaging in decolonising learning and teaching. We recognise that this will look and feel different in each discipline. With that in mind we compiled a general introductory reading list and individual lists for the subject areas that we teach at Westminster.
To access the lists please follow the links below. These will take you to online reading lists hosted by the University of Westminster Library. If you are a member of Westminster, then you will also be able to login and access materials through the Library. Many of the reading lists also include open access materials that are available to the public or through other libraries.
We hope that these materials will be helpful in your decolonising practices.
If you have any questions about the project, please email Dr Jennifer Fraser (University Director of Student Partnership, Centre for Education and Teaching Innovation and Principal Lecturer, School of Social Sciences)
Thank you to the following people for their ideas, time and work on the project:
Tanveer Ahmed, Kyra Araneta, Samira Ashraf, Jasmine Barre, Dr Rumy Begum, Dr Olimpia Burchiellaro, Derin Fadina, Jayne Flowers, Manvir Grewal, Sara Hafeez, Dr Deborah Husbands, Sana Khan, Dr Fatima Maatwk, Morgan McLeod, Ekua McMorris, Dr Allan Porter, Lorna Rosbottom, Dr Moonisah Usman
General list of anti-racist and decolonial resources
Lists for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Lists for the College of Design, Creative and Digital Industries
Lists for Westminster Business School